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COVID Guidance Update
August 16, 2022


The CDC has updated their COVID guidance regarding isolation and precautions for those exposed to and/or have tested positive for COVID. Although this update did not do away with all our mitigation practices, it did align with what we have been practicing for the last few months.

Please note that the following practices are no longer necessary under the new guidance:

  • Performing temperature and symptom screening upon entry to the workplace and reporting “Yellow” and “Red” notices to Risk Management before starting work.

  • Participating in post exposure monitoring unless indicated above.

  • Social distancing may relax. However, we should still be considerate to not encroach on another person’s personal space.

With the removal of these practices, our COVID mitigation practices have been modified to reflect the following:

  • Wearing a well-fitted N95 mask when engaged in patient care and transport.

  • Employees should call off work per current practice and remain home if they develop fever or other significant flu symptoms.

  • Employees are required to report exposures to known positive and highly suspect individuals as soon as practically possible and not more than 24 hours following contact. (This applies to all the other bloodborne and airborne pathogens we encounter as well. Not just COVID.)

  • Employees should abide by mask use requirements posted or requested by local businesses and facilities we frequent while on-duty.

  • Employees are reminded to use sound judgement and take proper precautions to avoid contracting COVID or other influenza-like illnesses (ILI)] while outside the workplace.

  • If the employee reports testing positive or develops fever or two or more other related COVID symptoms, they will:

    • Be excluded from the workplace for up to 10-days.

    • Participate in monitoring during the exclusionary period.

    • On day-5, if the employee is free of fever for 24-hours without the use of fever reducers AND their symptoms are mostly resolved, they may be eligible to return to the workplace on day-6.

    • If returned on day 6, the employee will be required to continue monitoring and wear a well-fitted N95 mask through day-10.

    • If the employee’s symptoms return or they develop a new onset of fever after being cleared to return to work, exclusion from the workplace will need to restart from day 1.

·        Results from home COVID tests may only be accepted if witnessed by the Director of Risk Management or their designee. Otherwise, you will need to be retested either in-house or at a local testing center.

I know this does not seem to be the huge change we all hoped for, but it does appear that post COVID exposure follow-up is beginning to settle into its place with current post exposure follow-up practices for the other bloodborne and airborne pathogens we encounter.

I am certain that more positive changes will come, but for now, I appreciate your patience and support as we continue to navigate these troubled waters.

Stay true to our practices and, as always, be safe.


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